
Course Description

The purpose of this program is to prepare students for employment as combination welders.

The program guides the student from an introduction to welding, through critical safety information, to specific details regarding welding and cutting processes. Relevant shop math, welding metallurgy, blueprint reading is provided in a fashion that provides concept overviews and hands-on experience for technical skills that can result in immediate employment.  Core skills (math, blueprint reading) are embedded in the overall training so that students experience the practical application, opposed to a “stand alone” skills enhancement course. In this way, students understand the relevancy of applicable math and its significance in welding.

Course Outline

  1. Orientation / Safety (10hrs.)
  • Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and its role in the manufacturing industry
  • Procedures for using safety equipment
  • General safety procedures
  • Personal/Lab safety requirements
  • Right to Know Law
  • Potential hazardous trade materials
  1. Principles of Welding
  2. Welding, Drawing, and Weld Interpretation
  3. Visual Examination and Inspection Testing
  4. Welding Processes
  5. Communication
  6. Workplace Readiness Skills

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this class, students will be familiar with:

  • Occupational Orientation and Safety
  • Principles of Welding
  • Stick, TIG, MIG Welding
  • Welding, Drawing, and Symbol Interpretation
  • Visual Examination, Inspection and Testing 
  • Shielded Metal ARC Welding (SMAW)
  • Manual Oxy-fuel Gas Cutting (OFC)


Materials Required:

Handouts will be provided by the instructor.



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