
Course Description

Are you interested in gaining valuable skills in Faith and Spiritual Based Counseling? This workshop promotes developing spiritual leaders and behavioral health providers to become skilled in working with people living with behavioral health issues from a faith or spiritually-based perspective. One of the most powerful and long-lasting forms of healing is inherent in the faith and spiritual communities that are found in neighborhoods. The Faith and Spiritual-Based Counseling program focuses not on any one tradition or philosophy, but is inclusive. The workshop is for faith leaders, lay leaders, community members, behavioral health providers and anyone who understands the power of faith and spirituality in healing and wellness. Topics include but are not limited to:  Recovery/Resiliency; Spirituality, Religion, and Multiculturalism; Religious and Spiritual Beliefs in Counseling; Helping Relationships, Cultural Competence and Ethical Practice; and Self-Help and the Healing Process.

Notice: Per City guidelines, masking will be strongly recommended but not mandatory. Wearing a high-quality mask such as KN95 or N95 mask, or double masking, is strongly encouraged.  It is important to wear a mask that is well-fitted. For information on proper masking, including how to double mask, please read this guidance from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/effective-masks.html.

Course Outline

•    Recovery/Resiliency as Transformational Processes: The Community Empowerment Model 
•    Spirituality, Religion, and Multiculturalism
•    Religious and Spiritual Beliefs in Counseling 
•    Helping Relationships, Cultural Competence and Ethical Practice 
•    Self-Help and the Healing Process 
•    Spirituality and Jungian Counseling 
•    How People Change in a Recovery/Resilience Oriented System of Care 
•    Cognitive Behavioral interventions in Recovery/Resilience Management

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion of this workshop the participants will be able to:
•    Understand that behavioral health problems sometimes impede religious  and spiritual development
•    Communicate and sustain the message of hope and caring to people in recovery
•    Identify additional fellowship programs, other self-help, and peer-led supports in the community 
•    Acknowledge and address ethical values, clinical issues, and attitudes regarding faith based counseling
•    Shape, form, and educate a caring congregation and a secular counseling system that welcomes and supports persons and families in need of faith based counseling
•    Practice basic counseling techniques that encourage empowerment
•    Illustrate knowledge of basic theory of trauma and recovery
•    Develop awareness of rites and rituals from various spiritual traditions which aid in the  process of healing and recovery


Materials Required:
Handouts provided by the instructor. 


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